
  Hi, my name is Leslie Thibodeau and I am the inventor of the Alee Cat™ Drink Holster.  People often ask me how I came up with the idea for my drink holsters, so here's my story.…
    Honestly, I wanted a drink holster for myself…. I had heard about drink spiking and had met people who had been drugged.  Just the thought of someone spiking my drink really scared me. When I tried to come up with an idea of how to prevent drink spiking it occurred to me that the best way would be to never set your drink down… that’s when “beer holster” popped in my head. (I love beer).  So I made a contraption that looked like a slipper and wore it out.  I received so much attention that I decided to create a drink holster that would be fashionable and practical too.
    I did a lot of research about drink spiking, how to prevent it, how it happens, where it happens, and why it happens. I won’t go into that here, but I’ll share my resource: (see page bottom)  Not only did I learn valuable information, the testimonials had me in tears.  The phrase "Never set your drink down" was advised repeatedly.  That was enough to convince me that my inspiration to help prevent drink spiking through the creation of a drink holster could really help keep people safe, and make a difference.  I proceeded to "invent" a drink holster that would cover as many beverage containers and wardrobe needs as possible. 
   I soon learned that to come up with an idea is one thing, but to bring that idea into reality is tough, really tough! Over the past several years I have learned how to sew and make proto-types, computer skills that enabled me to build a website, and also how to photograph and edit pictures. Looking back, I am sure that the desire to help prevent drink spiking is what kept me going.  There were days that I felt tired and frustrated, and sometimes I wanted to give up, but all I had to do was remind myself that if I helped prevent drink spiking for even one person... it would all be worth it.  I am still working hard and my effort to help prevent drink spiking continues.  
     Now that the Alee Cat™ Drink Holster exists, we hope to provide you with a fun and practical solution to "never set your drink down."  Our drink holster designs are great for everyday activities.  If you go to the Gallery Page you will see some creative ways people are using Alee Cat™

Alee Cat's inspiration came from a desire to help prevent drink spiking.  The best way to keep your drink safe from being spiked is to always watch your drink and never set it down.
For more information on How To Prevent Drink Spiking please visit: www.watchyourdrink.com