Thursday, July 17, 2014

Can You Guess Which Drink Holster is 3 Years Old?

Pictured above are two drink holsters, one is a year old and the other is three years old.  Can you guess which holster is three years old?

     I recently went to Michigan to visit my family and I asked my father to show me his Drink Holster.
He was one of my very first customers and has an Alee Cat in Dark Green Suede Snake Skin that is three years old.   As I held the holster in my hand I was impressed at how incredibly good it looked.  By the way he uses it all the time, when he goes for walks and also when he works on projects around the home.  I would like to add that he is a builder so he is using saws and drills and tools  that I have never heard of.  He gets so dirty that my mom washes his clothes separately.  As I carefully examined his Drink Holster I noticed that not a single stitch was loosened and I smiled with pride.  It has always been my goal to provide a very high quality product that people will enjoy for a very long time.

                                  The 3 year old holster is to the right of the BFF Coke  Can.

Here are a few pictures of my father,  Richard Hollobaugh, wearing his Alee Cat Drink Holster while working on some of his many projects.

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