Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Have You Ever Dreamed Of Inventing Something?

Model Kristine Abuy on Makapuu Mountain, Oahu
Hello and Welcome!
This is my very first blog,  if you have landed here you either have an interest in what a drink holster is or why Alee Cat is the Ultimate Drink Holster.  Perhaps the Post title caught your eye and you dream of inventing something?  Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're here.  Inventing something starts with an idea, and we all come up with great ideas but it's when we decide to take action and pursue them that our journey begins and continues.  Six years ago, creating a drink holster was a vision in my head, and I had no idea how to make it real.


  1. Not only have I seen how much work you have put into these, but I have been thoroughly impressed at your tenacity to see it through the struggles, of making it happen. I can remember you telling me what birthed the idea behind the AleeCat, or at least one of the reasons. It had to do with keeping drinks safe from being spiked with 'date-drugs'. I found that to be such a noble cause, and I'm so happy to see that you were able to bring it to life.

  2. Thank you Richard, Yes I was very inspired to help prevent "Drink Spiking" It occurred to me that the best way to prevent it would be to never put your drink down. My challenge now is to figure out how to connect with students and parents so that they are aware of what I have worked so hard to create for them.
